Friday, August 15, 2008

# 13431 :: colonising the trees

hercules, california, usa. june 2008
holiday : family

this one was from a BART train while returning back to san francisco, from hercules, across the bay. the towns / mini-cities en route, sprawl all over the hilly country side, seemingly colonising all the forests. the tree cover is still present, though its heavily eaten into; and strangely that makes it look worse. (all the little white spots seen in the background are single family homes)

13431 : picked by aditya rao
photo-number range: 00001 - 13521


Adi said...

Hey... Thanks for the Photu :-)

Also, how've you been??

Also, you would like this guy's work...

if the video doesn't play on the site, just download the zip mp4 file... well worth the effort... :)

chal tc... and have fun :)

Slogan Murugan said...

lovely concept. great snaps.

My number: 1288

Kunal Bhatia said...

@ adi: welcome and thanks for the link

@ sloganmurugan: posted; but tell me, why '1288' ?